Dog Agility
Dog Agility Training Classes  in the Lower Mainland! ALL LEVELS:  Introductory, Intermediate, & Puppy Dog Agility Class

⭐️ Introductory Dog Agility Class ⭐️

Our  most popular agility class! Introductory Classes is the ultimate agility class! Introduce your dog to the exciting sport of Dog Agility in a fun and positive environment. All breeds welcome 5+ months and older.  This is the starting point for those NEW to agility.

✓ Learn several agility obstacles on safe and professionally made agility equipment

✓ Discover trick training and body awareness  to  keep your pet  fit 

✓ Improve your dog's focus, obedience and teamwork!

✓ Certificate of completion graduation award

*The is an agility focussed class* The main topic of this class is learning the fun sport of dog agility*


-All dogs must be atleast 5 months old 
-No aggressive or reactive dogs please: 

No: Leash reactivity (barking/pulling/lunging towards dogs / people)
No: Aggression towards other dogs or people
No: Consistent/excessive barking(reactive is a dog that barks / lunges
Must not excessively bark in a group setting ​

Dog Agility in the Vancouver  Lower Mainland Agility Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam
Swift Dog Sports
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Langley Dog Agility Classes

" Creating a stronger bond between you and your dog, one  obstacle at a time "
Classes fill quickly. Early registration is suggested.
Dog Agility

                                              Private Lessons: 

                                Training Issues ?   You pick ANY topic!

Benefits of private lessons VS group classes:

✓   Hands on training customized to meet your needs
✓   Address specific issues unique to your situation
✓   Spend as much time as you need to answer all your questions
✓   Fewer distractions 
✓   Progress at a much faster rate than group lessons
✓   Unlimited follow up over feedback VIA e-mail!
​✓   Suitable for reactive dogs that cannot be around others in group classes

 Private Lessons are available at our facility as well as private
 at home lessons. Please contact us to find out how we can help 
your dog improve its skills.

                                       Contact us for more information

*Please visit the  private lesson page to learn more!

Aldergrove/Abbotsford,BC DOG AGILITY CLASSES:

Introductory Dog Agility Class: Sold Out - Join our waitlist
Time: Tuesdays 6:00pm - 6:55pm
Dates: Next set starting in Spring and spots will become open - Join our waitlist 
Price: $249
*This is the starting point for dogs new to agility
Location: 27882 Quinton Ave, Abbotsford, BC

Agility Addict - Sold Out - Please join waitlist 
Time: Mondays  - 6:00 - 6:55pm
Dates: Ongoing
Price: $208.95
​-This is for dogs who have contacts & weaves and are sequencing courses
​Address: 27882 Quinton Ave Abbotsford, BC

Starting to sequence - Sold Out - Please join waitlist 
Time:Mondays - 7:00 - 7:55pm
Dates: Ongoing
Price: $208.95
*This is for dogs who've graduated Introductory Agility 
Dog's are starting to sequence jumps & tunnels, finishing working on contacts and weaves.
​Address: 27882 Quinton Ave Abbotsford, BC

Agility Competition Level Masters:  Sold Out - Please join waitlist 
Time: Tuesdays 6:00pm & 7:10pm
Dates: January 7th,14th,21st,28th,Feb. 4th,11th 2025
*This is for dogs competing at the Masters Level or have similar skill level
Location: 24966 40 Ave Aldergrove, BC